姓名:林爱文 | 出生日期: | |
联系电话: | E_MAIL:awlin@whu.edu.cn | |
研究方向: | ||
系科: | ||
硕/博士生导师: | ||
职称: 教授 | 职级: |
教育与研究经历 |
教育与工作经历: 1999.9-2006.12 mk体育博士 1987.9-1991.4 武汉测绘科技大学硕士 1979.9-1983.7 武汉地质学院(现中国地质大学)本科 1983.7-2000.7:武汉测绘科技大学,历任讲师、副教授、教授 2000.8-至今:mk体育教授、博士生导师 任职 中国地理学会副秘书长 湖北省地理学会副理事长 中国自然资源学会理事 中国自然资源学会热带亚热带资源专业委员会副主任委员 中国自然资源学会土地资源研究专业委员会委员 中国自然资源学会资源地理专业委员会委员 中国环境科学学会环境规划专业委员会委员 中国环境学会环境经济分会委员 |
研究领域与兴趣 |
研究所属学科:地理学、土地科学 研究方向:气候变化、植被遥感、大气遥感、土地利用变化及其区域响应、土地规划、土地整治、城乡规划等 |
教学情况 |
国家理科野外实践教育基地和《地貌学》省级精品课程负责人,主讲本科生《自然地理学》、《地貌学》、《庐山地理学实习》、《资源环境与可持续发展》、研究生通开课《现代自然地理学》等课程。 |
承担项目与课题 |
先后主持或参加包括国家自然科学基金在内的50多项国家级、省部级和地方政府项目研究。近期代表性项目: 中外合作项目:老挝沙湾水经济区土地利用总体规划,2015-2016 国家自然资金项目:农业干旱和水文干旱对气候干旱的预警响应模拟研究, 2014-2016 教育部基地建设项目:国家级庐山地理学野外实践教育基地,2013-2016 国家自然资金项目:mk体育地理科学理科基地,2012-2015 国家自然资金项目:亚热带地区过去200年树轮气候记录,2012-2014 |
代表性成果 |
出版《资源环境与可持续发展》、《自然地理学》等教材专著5部;发表论文100余篇,其中SCI/SSCI检索论文30余篇,EI检索论文20余篇。 近期代表性论文: (1) Lijie He, Lunche Wang*, Aiwen Lin*, Ming Zhang, Muhammad Bilal and Jing Wei. Performance of the NPP-VIIRS and Aqua-MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth Products over the Yangtze River Basin. Remote Sensing. 2018,10(1):117. (2) Wenmin Qin, Lunche Wang, Aiwen Lin, Ming Zhang, Xiangao Xia, Bo Hu, Zigeng Niu. Comparison of deterministic and data-driven models for solar radiation estimation in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2018,81:579-594. (3) Zhigao Zhou, Lunche Wang*, Aiwen Lin*, Ming Zhang, Zigeng Niu.Innovative trend analysis of solar radiation in China during 1962-2015. Renewable Energy. 2018,119(4),675-689. (4) Lijie He, Lunche Wang*, Aiwen Lin*, Ming Zhang, Muhammad Bilal, Minghui Tao. Aerosol Optical Properties and Associated Direct Radiative Forcing over the Yangtze River Basin during 2001-2015. Remote Sensing, 2017, 9(7):746. (5) Ling Zou, Lunche Wang*, Li Xia, Aiwen Lin*, Bo Hu, Hongji Zhu. Prediction and comparison of solar radiation using improved empirical models and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems. Renewable Energy, 2017,106(6):343-353. (6) Lunch Wang*, Hongji Zhu*, Aiwen Lin*, Ling Zou, Wenming Qin, Qiyong Du. Evaluation of the latest MODIS GPP Products across Multiple Biomass Using Global Eddy Covariance Flux Data. Remote Sensing, 2017,5(5). (7) Wenmin Qin, Aiwen Lin*, Jian Fang*, Lunche Wang, Man Li. Spatial and temporal evolution of community resilience to natural hazards in the coastal areas of China. Natural Hazards, 2017,89(2):1-19. (8) Aiwen Lin, Ling Zou, Lunche Wang*, Wei Gong, Germán Ariel Salazar. Estimation of atmospheric turbidity coefficient over Zhengzhou during 1961-2013 using an improved hybrid model. Renewable Energy, 2016. 86:1134-1144. (9) Hongji Zhu, Aiwen Lin*, Lunche Wang*, Yu Xia, Ling Zou. Evaluation of MODIS Gross Primary Production across Multiple Biomes in China Using Eddy Covariance Flux Data. Remote Sensing, 2016,8(5): 395. (10) Ling Zou, Aiwen Lin*, Lunche Wang*, Xiangao Xia, Wei Gong, Hongji Zhu, Zhenzhen Zhao. Long-term variations of estimated global solar radiation and the influencing factors in Hunan province, China during 1980-2013. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physic, 2016,128(2):155-165. (11) Aiwen Lin#, Hongji Zhu#, Lunche Wang, Wei Gong, Ling Zou. Characteristics of long-term climate change and the ecological responses in Central China. Earth Interaction, 2016. 20:1-24. (12) Zhenzhen Zhao, Aiwen Lin*, Qian Yang, Jiandi Feng. Change detection in very high resolution imagery and vector data applied to the monitoring of geographical conditions. Sensor Review, 2016,36(4):347-358. (13) Ling Zou, Lunche Wang*, Aiwen Lin*, Hongji Zhu, Yuling Peng, Zhenzhen Zhao. Estimation of global solar radiation using an artificial neural network based on an interpolation technique in southeast China. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2016,146(8): 110-122. (14) Zhenzhen Zhao, Aiwen Lin*, Jiandi Feng, Qian Yang, Ling Zou. Analysis of water resources in Horqin Sandy land using multisource data from 2003 to 2010. Sustainability, 2016,8(4):374. (15) Qian Yang, Aiwen Lin*, Zhenzhen Zhao, Ling Zou, Cheng Sun. Assessment of urban ecosystem health based on entropy weight extension decision model in urban agglomeration. Sustainability, 2016,8(9):869. (16) Fenglian Liu, Aiwen Lin*, Huanhuan Wang, Yuling Peng, Song Hong. Global research trends of geographical information system from 1961 to 2010: a bibliometric analysis. Scientometrics, 2016,2(106):751-768. (17) Yuling Peng, Aiwen Lin*, Ke Wang, Fenglian Liu, Fang Zeng, Li Yang. Global trends in DEM-related research from 1994 to 2013: a bibliometric analysis. Scientometrics, 2015, 1(105):347-366. (18) Lan Feng, Lunche Wang, Wei Gong, Aiwen Lin, Bo Hu. Estimation of hourly and daily ultraviolet solar irradiation under various sky conditions at Sanya, Southern China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2015, 121(1-2):187-198. (19) Peng, Simao,Du, Qingyun,Wang, Lunche,Lin aiwen,Hu, Bo.Long-term variations of ultraviolet radiation in Tibetan Plateau from observation and estimation. International Journal of Climatology, 2015, 35(7): 1245-1253. (20) Simao Peng, Qingyun Du, Aiwen Lin, Bo Hu, Ke Xiao, Yuliang Xi. Observation and estimation of photosynthetically active radiation in Lhasa (Tibetan Plateau). Advances in Space Research, 2015, 55(6):1604-1612. (21) Lunche Wang, Germán Ariel Salazar, Wei Gong, Aiwen Lin. An improved method for estimating the Ångström turbidity coefficient β in Central China during 1961-2010. 2015, Energy, 81:67-73 (22) Lunche Wang, Wei Gong, Aiwen Lin, Bo Hu. Measurements and cloudiness influence on UV radiation in Central China.2014, International Journal of Climatology, 34: 3417-3425. (23) Lunche Wang, Wei Gong, Chen Li, Aiwen Lin, Bo Hu, Yingying Ma. Measurement and estimation of photosynthetically active radiation from 1961 to 2011 in Central China. 2013, Applied Energy, 111:1010-1017. (24) 周志高,林爱文*,王伦澈. 长江中游城市群太阳辐射长期变化特征及其与气象要素的关系研究. 长江流域资源与环境. 2017, 26(4): 563-571. (25) 袁沫汐,邹玲,林爱文*,朱弘纪. 老挝沙湾水经济区生态用地利用评价. 水土保持通报. 2017,37(1):234-240. (26) 袁沫汐,邹玲,林爱文*,朱弘纪. 湖北省地区植被覆盖变化及其对气候因子的响应. 生态学报. 2016,36(17):5315-5323. (27) 岳邦佳,林爱文*,孙铖. 基于2SFCA的武汉市低收入者公园绿地可达性分析.现代城市研究.2017,(8):99-107. (28) 夏钰,林爱文*,朱弘纪. 长三角地区城市人居环境适宜度空间格局演变.生态经济.2017,(2):112-117. (29) 嵇莹,杨倩,林爱文*,邱丽娟. 江汉平原水土资源结构与产能时空分异特征. 水土保持通报. 2016,(02):320-325. (30) 杨倩,孙铖,李山勇,嵇莹,林爱文*. 湖北水资源生态承压能力的时空分异特征. 水土保持研究. 2016,(01): 289-295 (31) 詹璇,林爱文*,孙铖,乔卫. 武汉市公共交通网络中心性及其与银行网点的空间耦合性研究. 2016, 9(35):1156-1166. (32) 杨倩,李山勇,孙铖,邱丽娟,林爱文*. 湖北省粮食生产及其影响下的土地资源承载力格局. 2015,(05):345-350+357. (33) 邱丽娟,杨倩,林爱文*,李兴正,李海江,嵇莹. 基于ESDA-GIS的湖北省耕地生态承压能力时空演变分析.生态经济.2015,(7):85-90. (34) 彭玉玲,林爱文*,王珂,李山勇,孙铖.资源枯竭型城市的工矿废弃地复垦利用综合效益评价——以黄石市七约山矿区为例.国土资源遥感,2015,(3):161-166. (35) 刘孟阳,林爱文. 基于空间分析方法的武汉市创意产业空间集聚演化研究.人文地理,2015,(6):113-120. (36) 林爱文,樊星. 湖北省人口城镇化与土地城镇化协调发展分析.地域研究与开发.2015,(6):14-18. (37) 赵林,徐春雪,刘雪莹,李汉青,江浩鸿,林爱文. 干旱对湖北省森林植被净初级生产力的影响. 2014,23(11):1595-1602. |
奖励与荣誉 |
国家级教学成果二等奖,2014 上海市级教学成果特等奖,2013 国土资源部优秀成果一等奖,2001 国家测绘局科技进步三等奖,1997 湖北省教学成果一等奖,1998 |
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